Wednesday, January 1, 2014


MiMi, Avery, Cade and I got to visit ICE at the Gaylord Texan while the boys were at the deer lease.
This year's theme was the Nutcracker

Cade actually stayed very toasty warm in the Ergo while we were inside this giant freezer, all except for his nose. It was ice cold, poor buddy. He didn't fuss at all though. Such a trooper.
Avery loved the ballerinas.

She also loved the slide. It wasn't very crowded when we went, so she was able to slide like 5 times. Then she was cold and ready to go.
They also had a Christmas in NYC section, which I loved!!

Love this taxi cab!
Mimi and Avery in the big apple!
There was a lady making balloon animals for the kids. Avery was her last client for the day.
Then on the way out to her car she heard Cade screaming in the parking garage, while we were standing in the very long line to pay for our parking, and stopped to make him a snowman. It was very sweet.
And actually worked, he stopped screaming :)

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