What a great Christmas we had this year!! We were blessed to be able to spend the holidays with both sides of our family this year. The babies got a LOT of attention!
Christmas Eve my mom, mother-in-law Diane, Carson, Avery, and I went to the Gaylord Texan resort to walk through the ice exhibit. It was a Grinch theme this year; it's amazing what these artists can do with ice. We bundled the babies up and they went in with us. I was hoping that no one would call CPS on me for taking my babies into a 9 degree freezer. Don't worry, they were plenty warm as you can see from the pictures below.
Here's Carson, ready to go see the Grinch
Avery and Mimi
Us with the giant Grinch ice sculpture, we look like snowmen in the jackets they give you to wear.
Christmas Eve night we went to our church candlelight service. The music was beautiful and the sermon was great. I was so glad that we were able to take the babies. They were really good.
Family picture at church.
Family picture at church.
Here we are playing our traditional game of left, right, center with the Millers.
Group shot on Christmas Eve at my parents house.
Shane's grandparents flew in from Florida and luckily got here Christmas Eve before all the ice and snow.
Here's Carson and Avery with their great-grandparents
Who would have thought that we'd have a white Chirstmas. It was so fun to wake up to a beautiful blanket of snow Christmas morning.
Carson and Avery in their Christmas jammies
It was so fun to watch my niece Kennedy get excited about Christmas. This year she asked Santa for a, "pink sewing machine, a pink pen, and a pink iPhone." So being the awesome aunt and uncle that we are, Shane dug out his old iPhone and I painted the clear case pink and put glitter on it and we gave it to her for Chirstmas. Every 2 year old needs an iPhone right?
After opening gifts and eating breakfast at my parents, we went back to our house to open gifts with Shane's family. We spent the day with Shane's mom, grandparents, uncle Jerry, cousin Catherine, uncle Travis, and aunt JJ.
Here I am with my little Christmas angels in front of our tree.
What a joyous time! I love the pictures of the ice sculpture exhibit...don't think those babies had a chance to get cold!