Friday, February 8, 2013

37 Weeks

 I am 37 weeks today, which is absolutely crazy!! What's even more crazy is that I delivered Carson and Avery at 37 weeks and I don't feel anywhere near ready to have a baby this time. I only have a little over 2 weeks before my scheduled C-section, where has the time gone? We are slowly getting ready for "baby brother" which has become his unofficial name around our house since we STILL do not have a name for this little guy. The nursery is in progress and I'm starting to get a few things crossed off my very long list of things that I want to get done before D day. While I'm so excited to meet this little boy, I'm honestly a little anxious about it. Life is going to change so much in a couple of weeks and it's hard to imagine what our new "normal" is going to be like. I feel like Carson and Avery suddenly won't be my babies anymore and that makes me a little sad. I still can't believe that they are almost 3 1/2. They are so excited about the baby and ask me everyday when he is coming out. They talk about all the things they are going to help me with when baby brother comes home, it's really sweet. I still feel really good, not at all like I'm going to be having a baby in a couple of weeks. The 2nd and 3rd trimester really have been pretty easy for me. I'm a little tired, but overall I still feel great! I would even be ok staying pregnant a while longer, though I don't think my Dr. will go for that :)

Here I am at 34 weeks

And here is one I took today at 37 weeks (sorry, not too great, I took it myself with my phone)


  1. You look fabulous. I am so excited we get to see you next week. Life is going to be awesome with 3...after 2 at one time, this one will be a breeze. Have no fear and keep claiming..."I can do all things through Christ who strengths Kelly!" Love and hugs!

  2. You look precious Kelly! So excited to meet the little guy!!! Glad you are getting things done in the nursery! Love you!

  3. You do look so good! I can completely appreciate all those feelings. Just take it one day at a time & enjoy these last days with your sweet boy tucked away safe inside. Life with 3 is busy, but so fun at the same time. Just remember to enjoy each day for what it is. You'll be so glad you did. I know you know that;). We'll see you on Saturday:)!!!
