Carson and Avery turned 3 months old on Tuesday. And Carson got a very special present for his 3 month "birthday"...... an ear infection!! The babies picked up a little bug during Christmas and started having cough, congestion, and fever on Monday. We went to the Dr. on Tuesday and it thankfully was just an upper respiratory infection. The flu and RSV were negative. Carson however did have an ear infection, poor guy. They were pretty miserable this past week, but they are finally feeling better. And I was much more calm and rational this time around!!
Here we are at 3 months

At 3 months we are:
-rolling from front to back
-smiling and "talking" a lot
-still eating every 3 hours during the day
-sleeping one good 5-6 hour stretch at night (most nights at least)
-interacting more with mommy and daddy
-staring and smiling at our toys

Carson is such a sweet boy. He loves to be held and cuddled. At 3 months he weighs 13lbs 11oz. We can't believe how much he has grown. He was so tiny when he was born, now he's huge. Carson is still very laid back and patient (most of the time). He is so happy and smiles all the time. He loves to sit in our laps and "talk" to us. He makes the sweetest little noises.


At 3 months, Avery weighs 12lbs 6oz. She has so much energy and loves to lay in her play gym and kick the toys hanging above her. She gets bored very easily and wants to be up on your shoulder looking around. She loves lights, noise, and people (loud restaurants keep her very entertained). We have discovered that Avery loves the TV. I know that babies aren't supposed to watch the TV, but the other night I put on her belly and she held her head up and watched football for like 10 minutes. Shane was so proud, i think she's going to be his football watching buddy when she gets bigger.

3 months also marks the end of my maternity leave. I am going back to work just one day a week for now and tomorrow is my first day back. I can't believe that it's already time. I'm excited though and a little nervous. It's been so long, I hope I remember how to be a nurse. Please pray for a great first day back!
Have a great 1st week back! Don't worry about the TV, Noelle LOVES football/TV as well. I actually got her Baby Einstein DVD's because we have discovered that she's so active/busy during the day that sometimes she just needs a little "quiet time" in front of the music to relax and calm down.
ReplyDeleteHey girl! Hope your 1st day back was great & that your feet weren't killing you at the end of the day:). So glad it's only one day a week for now to ease you back hard to believe it's already been 3 months. It's crazy. Those babies get sweeter & cuter everyday. Thanks for sharing them with us!!
ReplyDeleteHere's hoping your 1st day back was wonderful! I can't believe Carson has caught up and passed Avery! From here on out, they are just going to keep on being more entertaining and lovable. Enjoy!