Last week our family traveled to West Virginia to visit my mom's side of the family.
PaPa and uncle Ryan drove, and the rest of us flew.
What a site we were with all of our stuff and all of our babies!!
Here is a picture of what it looks like to fly with 3 one year olds and 1 three year old.
They all did really well on the plane though!!

Sunday we had a "mini" family reunion at my Nanny and PaPa's house.
My mom has 6 siblings so there were lots of aunts, uncles and cousins for Carson and Avery to meet.
Here are all of the great-grandchildren.

Nanny and PaPa with all of their grandchildren (minus 1, who couldn't be there).

I have so many memories of Christmas's spent in this living room!!
I have always loved going up to West Virginia!

Avery loves her uncle Ryan!

Monday we drove to Roanoke, VA (my dad's hometown) for the day.
We went up on top of Mill Mountain (I think that's the name of it) to overlook the Roanoke valley.

So Pretty!!
Tuesday we went on a train ride up to the Cass Mountains.
It was beautiful and chilly and so much fun.
I'm kind of a little fascinated with trains, so I really enjoyed this trip!

Daddy and Carson on the train

Carson, Taylor, and Avery

On our way up the mountain.

One of the many beautiful views from the train.

Carson running around at the top of the mountain.

The rest of the week we just visited family and played.
This is where Carson stayed all week, on my hip. He got sick right after we got there and ended up with a double ear infection. I could not leave his sight. It was really sweet, but exhausting!

We stayed at my aunt's cottage that she rents out on the Greenbrier River.
It is so pretty there!

We spent so much time outside just playing.
I don't think it got above 70 degrees the whole week.
It was so nice to be able to enjoy some real fall weather!