Carson and Avery will be 9 months next Tuesday.
We are leaving for vacation tomorrow, so I'm trying to get a head start on posting their 9 month stuff!
This will be their last "month birthday" in the single digits, which is just crazy. Seriously, didn't I just have them?

Sweet little water babies, swimming with MiMi

At 9 months Carson and Avery are:
-walking along the furniture
-able to transfer from one piece of furniture to another
-standing alone for a couple of seconds before falling down
-able to sit on their knees (which I don't really think is a milestone, but it's still pretty darn cute)
-now eating watermelon, mango, squash, zucchini, and chicken. They will eat just about anything you give them
-and they love, love, love the water.

They had their first trip to the big pool and loved it!


Carson has started to laugh so much. He laughs at his sister, at the dogs, at his toys..... it is the sweetest noise. He'll be crawling along on the floor, just laughing away. He has also become very ticklish. Carson is seriously obsessed with the fireplace. We think he may grow up to be a firefighter. He's also started climbling on his toys, which has lead to some more bumps and bruises. He is such an active boy! And still so, so sweet!!

This picture cracks me up. She did that all on her own. We walked into the room and she was laying there holding her lotion with the sand bucket on her head. Funny girl!
Avery has become quite social. She has started smiling and talking to everyone she sees out in public. She seems to love attention! Imagine that!! My bathroom has become Carson and Avery's new favorite place to play and it didn't take Avery long to discover the shower.

Sweet, beautiful girl!!

We leave in the morning for Florida.
So excited for a week at the beach, just have to get through the flight first.
I'm getting a little anxiuos about flying with two 9 month olds.
Hopefully, they are going to do great!!