Happy five year anniversary to my sweet husband. It's hard to believe that we have been married for 5 years. We have lived, laughed, and loved over these past 5 years. We have done a lot, learned a lot and accomplished a lot together.

We have a fun date night planned for tonight. Carson and Avery are going over to MiMi and PaPa's house so Shane and I can go to dinner. Can't wait! It's been a long time since we have had a date night.

My sweet, strong-willed girl. This shirt just about sums up the week we have been having with Avery: DRAMA! This little girl knows what she wants, and she knows what she doesn't want. And what she doesn't want to do is sleep in her own bed. We decided that it was time for Avery to move out of our room (and our bed) and into her own bed. She's not a fan of that idea, to say the least. Last night was night 4 of trying to get her to sleep in her crib. Lord, give me strength and patience. I'm trying so hard not to give in, but it's hard!
I love her determined spirit, she is going to do GREAT things in life (including sleeping through the night :)

Carson, on the other hand, slept 11 hours straight the other night. I told him he needs to give his sister a pep talk on sleeping.

Here is a video of Carson talking/singing. I love hearing his sweet voice.